I will continue with the event simply because I have nothing better to do, but I REALLY hate such gambling events. You already know I gain ample seeds from my Trader, I have the Dragon Abbey for mana boosts on-demand, and additionally I have a conglomeration of buildings from the Winter Market Set that. Here are the important dates to know in 2023. SoggyShorts All pretty much irrelevant to me, since I don't have much need for most of those resources. That just makes it even more luck-based - 500 is more flares that you get from the first 10 (maybe even first 20) quests! The first day of summer is known as the summer solstice, when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. Now instead of 5% chance for 200 essences we have 5% chance for 500 flares. Fellowship Tracking 2017 Adventures To use this template - Click 'File' then 'Make a copy. In both cities I completed roughtly the same number of quests (I think I complete 1 or 2 quests LESS in en1), however I got a lot more 200 Essences from opening chests in en1, and that led to more chests overall. Thus my boosts are steel, crystal and elixir, so my combining catalysts are made with planks, silk and gems. The first package of moon spliter should be 250 diamonds, the second one 1000 diamonds and the 3rd one should be 3500 diamonds. Note that combining catalysts are made with +2 relics. Build the most beautiful capital in the kingdom, make it inviting for new citizens, keep them happy by providing for them and taking care of their needs. That will be your boosted sentient good for the tier. Elvenar is a very complex and enjoyable strategy game with elements of city management, economics and diplomacy. In other words I got two more grand prizes in en1. The +1 good (or relic) comes into play when you get into sentient goods. In my second city (en1) I got my Phoenix to level 10. I am almost a noob to this game only been playing a few months, most games that I have played give the players a reasonably fair chance of completing these type of event with all goals achievable ( providing they are on line ) to complete the event/events, and yes sometimes you can speed up some events buying gems/diamonds to get a little ahead. In my main city (on en2) I got my Pheanix to level 9. In the Summer Solstice, you can win a new Evolving Building : Stonehenge.

And that one was already VERY luck-dependent. 1 Dear Humans and Elves, Summer Solstice is upon us In this special event you will have the chance to gain many unique rewards, including special buildings for your city The event will run from August 8th until August 29th 23:59 (UTC) and will consist of several parts.

HELL?!? Who thought this was a good diea?ĥ% chance to get 500 Flares? This just makes the event even MORE luck-dependent than the Phoenix event.